


Driver Performance Management

Gain insights into driver performance while boosting Productivity

Monitor, coach, and evaluate your driver performance meticulously to ensure they meet safety and compliance standards. This approach empowers you to make data-driven decisions, enhancing driver efficiency and accountability,  thereby improving your operational excellence and profitability.

​Track, Record, Monitor & Coach to Create fantastic Plus team

Real-time driver behavior monitoring & responsive DA coaching

Our Performance app features an easily integrable interface with various telematics devices, enabling you to monitor driver behavior and send automated coaching alerts. This ensures you receive real-time notifications whenever a violation occurs.

Performance scorecard analysis to identify DA trend

Weekly individualized scorecard for each driver is shared by our team, providing clear insights into their performance and areas for improvement.

Coach your DA towards safety & compliance

Using the scorecard analysis dashboard, identify drivers who engage in unsafe behaviors and coach them towards safety and compliance, reinforcing work behaviors that improve your score.

Powerful Chat Tool-Enhanced DA Coaching

Robust chat tool to Coach DAs

You can now communicate directly with all your drivers by sending detailed driver scorecards & customized coaching templates for each violation, improving their performance and compliance.

E-Written Warnings

You can send electronic write-ups (E-writeups) to address specific issues and ensure accountability within your driver team.

Historical Chat Data

Access historical chat data to review past conversations. You can also export this data and download it as PDF files for your records.

Broadcast Messaging

Send messages to specific driver groups, whether active, inactive, or rostered, ensuring that your messages reach the right driver.

Manage Driver Attendance, Rescues, and Callouts on a single Visual Dashboard

Enable single-click attendance for DAs

Gain valuable insights into fleet operations such as driver availability and compliant behavior trends with driver attendance data empowering you to make data-driven decisions and optimize operations

Proactive Planning & Historical Analysis

You can plan by recording and managing upcoming DA Callouts, facilitating better rostering decisions. The system keeps a historical record of DA Callouts, allowing you to monitor driver reliability and take steps to ensure consistent service quality.

Efficient Rescue Initiation & Performance Evaluation

Centralized data empowers you to initiate rescue operations quickly, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth delivery operations. Historical rescue data serves as a performance metric, allowing you to recognize and reward well-performing drivers.


Flat Pricing - No Extra charges for users/employees

No Data import required - LMDmax takes care of it

Real time Safety Monitoring & Violation Feedback

Share video proofs of violations with employees

Pre-Built Chat Templates

Custom Report Creation & Coaching

Manage Inventory

Create Broadcast Groups

Payroll chat integration

Managed Service of account

Daily Email Summary to management

Dedicated Account Manager

Seamless Support

Coaching opportunities based on scorecard & Performance Analysis

Manage Attendance & Rescue Logs

Import weekly scorecards

Electronic Counseling/Acknowledgement Forms

Broadcast Messages & Attachments


Report Export